The Management Committee

Charlie Cristi
Charlie lived in Phnom Penh for many years, after going to Cambodia in 2010 as a volunteer through AUSAID. During this time she worked closely with LOA and LO Cambodia as a volunteer, whilst working as a teacher of Art and Design at one of the International Schools. She then spent 3 years working with the Ministry of Education in Bhutan, advising them on inclusive education, and now coordinates support for students with additional needs and trauma in public schools. Charlie has a Masters in Special Education and a Graduate Certificate in Trauma Aware Education. She also currently sits on two school boards. Charlie is LOA’s PSEAH (Preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment ) officer and Communications Director.

Jane Lyttleton
Vice President
Jane Lyttleton is an author, teacher and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She trained in genetics and biochemistry at the University of London, and studied TCM in Australia and China. She lectures at universities in Sydney and internationally, and sits on the Board of NICM at Western Sydney University where she is an Adjunct Fellow. Jane has long been dedicated to the education and health of women and children. She helped establish Lotus Outreach Australia in 2004 after she and a group of Lotus Outreach members traveled to Thailand and Cambodia meeting local groups working to combat sex trafficking. She was President of LOA from 2014 – 2022 and prior to that the Vice President. She also sits on the Lotus Outreach Australia Relief Fund committee.

Madeleine Lawler

Charles Berry
Charles Berry was British, born in Asia and has lived in several Asian countries. He is big brother to an adopted Cambodian sister. He is now proudly Australian. As a young adult he recognises the excellent support and education his sister had growing up here. He now helps LOA to support the welfare of young girls and women in Cambodia. Charles is pursuing a career in finance. He serves as the LOA Risk Management Officer and also sits on the Lotus Outreach Australia Relief Fund committee.

Aniko Papp
Governance Officer
Aniko graduated in law from the University of Technology Sydney and has been practicing as a solicitor for over 30 years. She joins LOA after being the deputy Managing Lawyer of NAAFLS, an NGO providing legal services to Indigenous clients in NT remote communities. She has been on the board of Women’s Empowerment in Indian Villages (providing education to young Dalit women in remote Bihar) and the Northern Rivers Music Conservatorium. She was a fundraiser, treasurer and social media person for the Lismore Greens for over 5 years. Aniko is passionate about empowering girls and women through support and education. In her spare time, she writes, swims, sails, snorkesl, plays the piano, paints & hikes. She also sits on the Lotus Outreach Australia Relief Fund committee.

Lara Moor
Donor Manager
Lara Moor is a designer, researcher and strategist. Originally trained in neuroscience, she has worked in healthcare venture capitalism and investment, created strategies across public hospital groups and now works to help companies understand people and help shape the future. Having experienced the privilege of a good education in Australia, she is passionate about the effects this can have on vulnerable girls’ lives and those of their communities.

Maria Berry
Board Member

Anna Harper
Board Member
Anna Harper is the founder of The Tall Journey, guiding individuals, groups and organisations to fully embody their ‘story’. Anna is a certified Narrative Coach, executive coach, facilitator and mentor. She has worked for 35 plus years with leaders of International Businesses and Organisations, such as the UN. She has a B.Fine Arts, M.Arts in Chaos, Complexity and Creativity, and M.Applied Science and additionally is a certified Yoga teacher. She is committed to helping at-risk Cambodian girls gain safe, fulfilled and independent lives. Anna was Treasurer for Lotus Outreach Australia from 2004- 2012, and President from 2012 to 2014. She sits on the board of Lotus Outreach International. Anna also serves as LOA’s Complaints and Conflict of Interest Officer.